Total reviews


Average rating

★★★★★ Excellent 1049
★★★★☆ Good 8
★★★☆☆ Medium 5
★★☆☆☆ Poor 6
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 6

All reviews

6 months ago

si priemone tikrai netinka ploniems plaukams,, butu buve gerai kad butu kur pamineta, per sunki, dejau nedaug kaip pirmam kartui, bet plaukai labai susiriebalavo, norejosi eiti ir vel isiplauti galva, daugiau sios priemones nepirkciau

Edgaras Lioransas
1 year ago

Bought this cream together with the serum, and very dissapointed to have spend my money. After applying the serum, skin got red patches everywhere, started stinging. I thought I should just try the cream, but after cleaning, applying the cream. It hydrated for 30 seconds but after face was tight, dry patches everywhere and most important red all over. I have tried the cream on 4 different occassions, same effect everytime
I thought it was made from natural ingredients, hence why I wanted to try, but now just dissapointed I wasted my money.

Irma Mikuziene
Verified purchase
2 years ago

Išbandžiau šį muilą sausino odą, tada pasiskaičius atsiliepimus nusipirkau Candy muilą, lygiai tas pats, nuplaunant muilą jau iškart jaučiasi kaip oda sausėja, atrodo, kad muilas ne tik, kad ne drėkina, bet dar ir išsausiną odą, labai gaila... Bandysiu dušo gelį.
P.S. kitais Vilanos produktais esu labai patenkinta

2 years ago

Mane šis serumas nuvylė, labai riebaluoja plaukus. Tenka is naujo plauti juos, nors priemonės dedu labai nedaug.

3 years ago

It has good smell and colour but it doesn’t deeply hydrating, after lotion my skin left dry.