Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement General Terms and Conditions

A. The @ Home with Vilana Independent Natural Beauty Consultant agrees:

  1. To promote and sell Vilana NB LTD products only by the direct selling method and not by any other method including retail sales or service establishments.
  2.  Are an Independent Business person, free to conduct business according to your own methods, while incorporating the Vilana NB LTD recommended guidelines and procedures that are contained in the @Home with Vilana Consultant Agreement.
  3. Not to work for another MLM company that would be seen to be a conflict of interest to your work with Vilana NB LTD (examples include but not limited to: Other cosmetic companies, companies that are testing on animals, companies that are not environmentally friendly and kind to nature).

  4.  To maintain the highest standards of integrity, honesty and responsibility in dealings with Vilana NB LTD, consumers and other Beauty Consultants within the @Home with Vilana Beauty Team. To present Vilana NB LTD products in a truthful and sincere manner and hold Vilana NB LTD harmless from damages resulting from misrepresentations by me.
  5.  To protect Vilana NB LTD trademarks and trade name by obtaining Vilana NB LTD’s written permission prior to my use in any advertising (including but not limited to social media and internet) or literature other than Vilana NB LTD/@Home with Vilana published material. I understand that demonstration, display or sale of Vilana NB LTD products in public, retail or service establishments of any kind is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement, we have a partnership program that will allow you to use retail premises for onward sale of products. Please contact us for details if you would like to sell in this way.
  6.  As an independent contractor within the Vilana Natural Beauty Team, to assume sole liability for all self-employment, insurance, taxes and other reports required by my activities as an independent Beauty Consultant and to abide by all national and local laws governing my @Home with Vilana Independent Business.
  7.  To purchase the starter kit and Vilana NB LTD products only from Vilana NB LTD, and all orders submitted to Vilana NB LTD will be entered via bank card payments for the full amount due. I understand that all orders are subject to acceptance by Vilana NB LTD and the terms and conditions.
  8.  To complete the required training courses in the Vilana Online Academy prior to beginning my consultant journey.
  9.  I am not a joint venturer with, or franchisee partner, agent or employee of Vilana NB LTD. I have no power or authority to incur any debt, obligation or liability on behalf of Vilana NB LTD. I understand that all members of the Vilana Natural Beauty Team including Independent Beauty Consultants, Independent Group Leaders and Independent Area Leaders are independent contractors and are subject to this provision.
  10.  When presenting @Home with Vilana business opportunities to do so in a truthful and sincere manner and to ensure that any prospective Beauty Consultant recruited by me is the age of 18 years or older and will receive education and materials related to a Vilana Natural Beauty business upon submission of an Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement to Head Office.
  11.  That no representations regarding my potential earnings as an Independent @Home with Vilana Consultant have been made to me. I acknowledge that my earnings as an Independent Beauty Consultant will depend entirely upon my individual efforts.
  12.  That all compensation is subject to the current @Home with Vilana compensation plan that will be issued to you.
  13. Upon reaching the specified team sales level, the consultant is eligible for a car lease payment. The vehicle must be purchased on behalf of a consultant who will cover all the initial acquisition costs. The car lease payments are paid only when the achieved team sales level is maintained. If the achieved level is not maintained, the contributions are terminated and renewed only when the level is reached again. After concluding the contract with the leasing company, you must submit a statement of contributions to Vilana NB LTD, the payments will be paid according to the submitted statement, but not more than specified in the payment plan.

  14.  Understand that after 3 months of consecutive inactivity my account with @Home with Vilana will be suspended, to reinstate I need to send a request to head office.
  15.  Vilana NB LTD reserves the right to assure continued service to my customers if I cease to be an active @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant.
  16.  Vilana NB LTD may release my name and phone number in response to a customer’s request for a @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant in my area, if this information is not to be released I agree to notify Vilana NB LTD that I do not want this information released by written notice directed to: Vilana NB LTD, Unit 22A Dickson Street, Elgin Industrial Estate, Dunfermline KY12 7SL.
  17.  Vilana NB LTD shall process the Vilana Natural Beauty consultant’s personal data contained in this Agreement and/or submit to Vilana NB LTD by the @Home with Vilana Consultant in connection with performance under this Agreement. The provided personal data may also be used by Vilana NB LTD for the purpose of compiling demographic information in relation to the development of new cosmetic products and services, the @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant’s consent covers any operations with her personal data including data transmissions abroad. This consent shall be valid for the whole term of this Agreement and may be withdrawn by the @Home with Vilana Beauty consultant only. Vilana NB LTD shall process the @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant’s data also after the expiry of this Agreement to conclude the object of this Agreement and if requested so by law. The @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant has the right to access their personal data processed by Vilana NB LTD as well as other rights set forth in the Data Protection Act 2018.
  18.  To comply with any changes to the General Terms and Conditions of the Independent Beauty Consultant Agreement that may be made by Vilana NB LTD.

By thicking the agreement box below, I verify that the information above is correct, I have read and understood the

General Terms and Conditions on the Vilana Independent Natural Beauty Consultant Agreement and

I hereby accept those terms and conditions and certify that I have the legal capacity to enter into the

Agreement. I understand the recruiter, whose name is on this Agreement, submitted to Vilana NB

LTD with the starter kit payment, will ultimately be the one to receive any recruiter commission on my


1. It is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a

payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme.

2. Do not be misled by claims that high earnings are easily achieved.

B. Vilana NB LTD Agrees:

  1.  To pay the @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant a monthly personal commission on all purchases of Vilana NB LTD products excluding starter kits and sales aid according to the then current Vilana NB LTD published monthly consultant commission schedule.
  2. To pay @ Home with Vilana Beauty Leader with one or more active team members a monthly personal team commission on all purchases of Vilana NB LTD products excluding starter kits and sales aids made by persons whom the @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant has personally recruited to become an @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant and who have been accepted by Vilana NB LTD, with commissions to be calculated and paid in accordance with the then current Vilana NB LTD published monthly personal team commission schedule for so long as both Beauty Consultant and team member are active, provided that commissions and bonuses paid on merchandise not sold at retail to end consumers which is subsequently returned for Vilana NB LTD repurchases pursuant to Part 6 below, may be charged back or deducted from commissions or other sums payable by Vilana NB LTD to the @Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant.
  3.  A consultant must be active and have one or more active team members in order to receive a monthly personal team commission. 
  4. An Independent @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant is considered ‘active’ in the month if a minimum of £100 product order is received by Vilana NB LTD and in the following two calendar months.
  5. Vilana NB LTD may change suggested retail prices, discounts, commissions, transportation charges, contest rules and active status requirements at any time, Vilana NB LTD will give @ Home with Vilana Beauty Team Members prior written notice of a) any changes to contest rules and active status requirements. b) increases in suggested retail prices and transportation charges, and c) decreases in standard discount and commission schedules. Written notice may be given by posting notice on Vilana NB LTD website(s).
  6.  No geographical territories or limits concerning sales or recruiting within the UK, EU, and Ireland are imposed on @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultants.
  7.  Vilana NB LTD reserves no right of control or direction of @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant’s activities, other than the right to question results.
  8.  To accept Consultant’s cancellation of this Agreement within 30 days after acceptance of the Agreement by Vilana NB LTD and upon receipt of the returnable items (as per Vilana NB LTD return’s policy) from the starter Kit to Vilana NB LTD, to refund to Consultant the Consultant’s cost of the Starter Kit minus nonreturnable items, or if Agreement is terminated and eligible Starter Kit items are returned to Vilana NB LTD after the cancellation period and within 1 year of purchase, to repurchase such Starter Kit at 90% of the Consultant’s original net cost.
  9. Returnable items from the starter kit must be shipped prepaid to Vilana NB LTD in Dunfermline. Consultant agrees that Vilana NB LTD’s cost of any prizes or product bonuses awarded to Consultant because of the original purchase and any indebtedness Consultant owes to Vilana NB LTD will be deducted from the repurchase amount. Consultants who return merchandise to Vilana NB LTD are not eligible to rejoin Vilana NB LTD as an @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant.
  10. Customer names and addresses provided by @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant to Vilana NB LTD for preferred Customer program (direct mail advertising) will be used by Vilana NB LTD for advertising and promotional programs to enhance Beauty Consultant’s business, create new sales opportunities for Beauty Consultant and generate additional customer sales which will be financially beneficial to the @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant. This Agreement is subject to acceptance by Vilana NB LTD at its corporate headquarters in Dunfermline, Scotland, through issuance of a Notice of Acceptance.

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Scotland as to all matters. The

parties further agree that if any dispute or controversy arises between them

concerning any matter relating to the Agreement that any issues which either party

may elect to submit for legal jurisdiction shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the

courts of Scotland and the parties agree that the proper venue shall be Scotland.

This Agreement is not subject to alteration, modification or change, except in writing,

signed by an authorized executive of Vilana NB LTD and shall not be deemed to be

changed, modified or altered by reason of any advice suggestions, guides or sales

aids provided by Vilana NB LTD to the @ Home with Vilana Beauty Consultant. This

The agreement shall be effective from the date of acceptance until December 31 of the

same year and shall thereafter be automatically renewed each January 1, for

additional terms of one year each, provided that the Agreement may be terminated by

either party effective immediately for any breach of its provisions or by either party at

any time during the initial term or any renewal term by not less than 30 days written


This is the sole and only Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter

thereof, and both parties acknowledge that the Independent @ Home with Vilana Beauty

A consultant is not an employee of Vilana NB LTD and will not be treated as an employee with

respect to this Agreement for national or local tax purposes, or otherwise.

By submitting this form I agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this contract.